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February Member's Meeting

  • Oklahoma City Community College - Library Room 401 7777 South May Avenue Oklahoma City, OK, 73159 United States (map)


As security trainers, it’s time to stop using the stick and go for the carrot. We have consistently failed to reach our users after the same old tired cybersecurity awareness training. Even the “don’t click” quizzes, don’t stick.

Personally, I’ve tried everything to get users to care, and what I’ve found is this:

Apple and Google have spent millions of dollars and thousands of programmer-hours to hack human behavior and put a device in everybody’s pocket that can be used to properly secure and privatize their lives. Now we as security experts have to get them to turn these damned features on and start using one-time passwords, encrypted tap-to-pay, and soon, FIDO2 passwordless logins. I’ve started putting talks together that connect with individuals, demystifying the scary Big Brother spooky government stuff around fingerprint recognition and facial ID, and actually asking people to take out their phones during a talk. Show them screenshots and walk them through turning the features on. Have them do it while you’re in the room. It’s real, tech tips and training, not just “awareness” they’ll forget in an hour.

We’ll cover everything. Quit threatening your users if they fail a phishing test, give them a candy bar when they report a phish! Turn security into game and build it into your culture. Stop letting your cybersecurity awareness training suck!

BIO: Kevin serves as the Director of Technology Services for the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group, a municipal interlocal cooperative agency with emphases on technology risk, cybersecurity, and cyberliability insurance for cities and towns in Oklahoma. With 23 years of technology experience, Kevin has spent 20 of those years in government technology leadership roles focusing on a wide range of citizen services, including adaptive technologies, K-12 and Postsecondary educational technology, and application development for State natural resources and transportation services. His peer-reviewed research paper, “Immaturity and Moral Hazard in the Cyber Insurance Market” was the featured cover article in the ISSA Journal for October 2019 and named as a “Best of” article for 2019. He has a Masters degree in Cybersecurity from Oklahoma State University. He was the founding chair of the Oklahoma State advisory subcommittee on web accessibility requirements, and currently serves as a founding officer of the Oklahoma Cybersecurity Coalition, and a Board Member of the Infragard Oklahoma Members’ Alliance.


Oklahoma City - Primary Location

Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC)

7777 S May Ave. OKC OK 73159 


Attendees can park anywhere on campus except for slots marked Faculty/Staff or Handicapped without a valid permit. Meeting is held on the 4th floor of the Library in Room 401.

February 22

IOMA Board of Directors Meeting